One day, or day one? A note for my fellow procrastinators
I came across a 7 year old video of one of my favorite fitness models on a bikini model YouTube channel. It was shockingly bad – her workout was filmed in a small corner of a dark room with abhorrent lighting, and truthfully her presence was kind of cringey to watch – forced smile, clearly rehearsed lines, and WHO works out in a BIKINI??
Fast forward to 2021, and she has grown to having her own YouTube channel and following where she appears extremely authentic, travels the world, and does high-quality workout videos out of a beautiful, bright apartment that she likely obtained through pursing her passion full-time. (AND, I’m sure to every guy’s dismay, she does NOT work out in her bikini)!
Her growth is super inspiring, and it didn’t happen overnight! Naturally, we are only exposed to others’ successes (because who wants to showcase to their failures), and as a result, we assume they lucked out or that they must’ve started at the ripe age of 2 years old and are way ahead in the game. Sometimes we're discouraged by the competition – why would anyone listen to a newbie?
Well try this: comedian Tiffany Haddish has been in the business for a while but recently gained mainstream prominence and is now 41. And think about your Spotify playlist – have you added any new artists in the past year? Do you have more than one YouTube fitness model, investor, or naturalista to accompany you on your journey? Like more than one flavor of ice cream? You get the picture…there is room for everyone!
To close out, I watched a YouTuber discuss what it’s like being an influencer (I’ve watched a lot of YouTube lately). She admitted she compares herself to her peers often and sometimes feels pressured by her followers to give them the content they want/signed up for. But when this happens, she always returns to the reason she started her channel in the first place: to share her passions and document her journey.
“Whoever wants to come for the ride” is welcome!
THIS is what set off the alarm, like the time I suddenly understood radians in my high school Trigonometry class!
Remember simpler times: decking out your Myspace page with obnoxious backgrounds and expressive music, visiting your own page just to admire the beauty you put together? Where the most you compared yourself to others was your position in your friends’ Top 8? (yeah I’m that old).
Instead of comparing myself to and looking for validation from others, I simply want a platform to document my journey; no pressure, no expectations!
It’s about creating the perfect home for my narrative – no one is going to appreciate your home as much as you do! And this mine. So if you love fitness, finances, food, felines, fashion, fun, Oxford commas, and other F-words*, you are welcome here!
*We are not limited to F-words, and I’ll keep THE F-word to a minimum, I promise!